Sunday, January 27, 2008
Judging God
Sometimes when worries and headache press upon us, we are quick to judge what God does in our lives.We look at the circumstances of our lives and then decide whether what He is doing is " right" in our opinion. It's really quite presumptuous but we do it just the same.
Where do we get our standards of what is right and what is wrong, anyway? Actually, our standards come from God Himself. We would have no concept of right and wrong if it were not for the fact that God is totally right. In reality, God wrote the definition of "right" ( or righteous), for it is a characteristic of His nature. It follows that being made in His image, we have a bit of an understanding of what is "right" even though we can't live up to it.
Abraham, who was known for his faith, believed God always did what was right, whether or not he understood what God was doing. When Abraham pleaded with Godnot to kill his relatives in Sodom along with the very perverse residents of th ecity, Abraham said to God, " Will not the Judge of all the earth do right?" ( Genesis 18:25). The answer to that question is obviously " Yes," for God is absolutely just. There is no partiality with Him. " With the Lord our God there is no injustice or partiality or bribery" ( 2 Chronicles 19:7 ).
The assurance that God will do what's right is encouraging to me, because I see so much injustice in the world I see so many wrongs I don't understand and can't change. But I can commit what I don't understand to Him, knowing that the Judge of all the earth will do right because it's His nature to do so.
Does that same principle apply to the events in your life personally? Will God always do what's right for you? Absolutely, when you totally commit your ways to Him.
A man once said to R.A. Torrey, " Sir, you turned your business over to God and it prospered; I turned mine over to Him and it has gone down ever since." Torrey replied, " If you turned it over to God, why are you worrying about it?"
Yes, if you turn your life over to God, you can trust Him to do what's right --- whether you understand it or not. Instead of you bearing all the responsiblity, it's now God's task.
When worry and depression try to convince you otherwise, ask yourself, " Will not the JUdge of all the earth do right?"
Where do we get our standards of what is right and what is wrong, anyway? Actually, our standards come from God Himself. We would have no concept of right and wrong if it were not for the fact that God is totally right. In reality, God wrote the definition of "right" ( or righteous), for it is a characteristic of His nature. It follows that being made in His image, we have a bit of an understanding of what is "right" even though we can't live up to it.
Abraham, who was known for his faith, believed God always did what was right, whether or not he understood what God was doing. When Abraham pleaded with Godnot to kill his relatives in Sodom along with the very perverse residents of th ecity, Abraham said to God, " Will not the Judge of all the earth do right?" ( Genesis 18:25). The answer to that question is obviously " Yes," for God is absolutely just. There is no partiality with Him. " With the Lord our God there is no injustice or partiality or bribery" ( 2 Chronicles 19:7 ).
The assurance that God will do what's right is encouraging to me, because I see so much injustice in the world I see so many wrongs I don't understand and can't change. But I can commit what I don't understand to Him, knowing that the Judge of all the earth will do right because it's His nature to do so.
Does that same principle apply to the events in your life personally? Will God always do what's right for you? Absolutely, when you totally commit your ways to Him.
A man once said to R.A. Torrey, " Sir, you turned your business over to God and it prospered; I turned mine over to Him and it has gone down ever since." Torrey replied, " If you turned it over to God, why are you worrying about it?"
Yes, if you turn your life over to God, you can trust Him to do what's right --- whether you understand it or not. Instead of you bearing all the responsiblity, it's now God's task.
When worry and depression try to convince you otherwise, ask yourself, " Will not the JUdge of all the earth do right?"
Friday, January 25, 2008
What a wonderful difference love makes in our world!And it all started with God.He is the root from which all love springs. John says:
This is love: not that we loved God, but that he loved us and sent his Son as an atoning sacrifice for our sins.
1 John 4:10
Of course, we all realize that God's love is far beyond any love we know of here on earth. Notice, though, what compasrison Jesus uses to convey His love for us. I am always amazed: "As the father has loved me,so have I loved you' " ( John 15:9). I can hardly conceive of the idea that Jesus loves me as God the Father loves Him! Yet it is true, for Jesus said it.
But He goes one step further, asking me to apply this same yardstick to my love. Jesus said:
" My command is this: Love each other as I have loved you."
John 15:12
Now, that's difficult! Ask Elizabeth Charles. She was born back in the early 1800s, yet I find that what she wrote is true in the twenty-first century as it was during her lifetime.
It requires far more of the constraining love of Christ to love our cousins and neighbours as members of the heavenly family, than to feel the heart warm to our suffering brethren in Tuscany or Madeira [ far-off places to her].
To love the whole Church is one thing; to love - thatis, to delight in the graces and veil the defects -- of the person who misunderstood me and opposed my plans yesterday,where peculiar infirmities grate on my most sensitive feelings, or whose natural faults are precisely those from which my natural character most revolts, is quite another.
Yes, elizabeth, it's hard to love the one who rubs me the wrong way. Yet, that is loving with the love of God.
On one occasion in the past I knew I would have to spend some time with people who were veryunhappy with me, and I dreaded it. But I couldn't avoid them. All at once God seemed to drop a thought into my heart that totally changed my attitude. Just because they don't love you doesn't mean you can't love them. He seemed to say. There is nothing they can do to stop you from loving them!
Inside I began to laugh to myself. That's right, there's nothing they can do to stop me from loving them!
in fact, when i did see those people, I enjoyed greeting them with a smile. i was totally free to love them whether or not they loved me.
" For Christ's love compels us," says Paul ( 2 Corinthians 5:14). What does His love compel you to do today? How about showing God you love Him by doing something out of the ordinary for somebody who needs encouraging -- maybe even someone one you don't loke. That's loving as Jesus loved you.
Recently I had been very sick. I had diarrhea for almost 3 weeks to a mth and it had not really recovered. Whenever I eat or drink, I will have a severe pain in my abdomen and it is unbearable. No matter how much painkiller i take the pain only ease for the most 8 hrs. It makes me feel very tired and I have been trying very hard to keep myself awake to concentrate on my job.Due to this problem. Dr. had given me one week MC to rest at home. Today, i had just back to hospital to collect my medical report though the result was negative but Dr still want me to undergo another test. I really hate this cos the sight of seeing needles and tubes inserting here and there really makes my hair stand. I hate this feeling I really want to eat in fact i missing all my favourite food. Actually, I am quite worried about my condition even Dr cannot give me an answer to my condition what is wrong with me. Why is it really stress but i'm not under any work pressure ? I'm enjoying my work. I am feeling very down and I am in a dilemma should i get hospitalize or should not cos if i were to be hospitalised my performance appraisal will be affected. I want to recovered fast but what should i do i cant just let go of my work like this. What should i do? I dont wish to lose my job and i dont wish to be sick too! It's really torturing. I am tired of such life why am i falling sick almost every year even though i had try very hard to lead a healthy lifestyle. I had cut down on my diet and been exercising a lot why am i still sick! If this is the case, i rather choose to die! Everything will then come to an end and no one will feel that i am a burden to my family and i will be much more happier.
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